Learning an Instrument
Every child from the age of 6 learns a string instrument. We believe all children should have this opportunity, no matter what their background.
They can choose to learn the violin, viola, cello or double bass.
The Gallions String Programme
We run an instrumental programme in which each child in the school learns a string instrument from the age of 6 until they leave Gallions aged 11. These lessons are taught in small groups using the child-centred Kodaly-inspired Colourstrings method, which builds on the previous three years of musicianship classes. This gives the children a chance to develop their ear, their manual dexterity and their musical talent.
All children from year 2 receive free instrumental group lessons at school.
Beyond these group lessons, we offer individual instrumental lessons to around 24 students each year, identified by teachers as the ones who have shown particular enthusiasm or talent.
“With the help of the Gallions Music Trust, my son Saimur has been able to receive additional violin lessons which I would otherwise be unable to afford. We are truly grateful for this fantastic opportunity.” Sabina, Parent